Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rough couple of nights...

So the past couple of nights I have been trying to have Lorelei sleep in her own crib in her own room. The first night we tried it Bryan gave up after 15 minutes and moved her back to our bed. Then two nights ago we managed to leave her in there until 9:45 before I went and got her. Last night (I was very proud of myself) she slept in her own room until 12:30 in the morning.

Now, when we are picking her up and bringing her into our room, it's not because she is crying. It's because we are such saps and can not sleep without her cuddly little body between us. She is just so sweet when she falls asleep holding your hand and curled up against you. I miss her when she is not there.

I'm ridiculous to the point of being unable to sleep without her.

I know many people have been warning me that I can't let it go on too long, but I figure what the heck... she's only 6 months old in her footie jammies for a little while. So maybe we will try the sleeping in her own crib thing again next month...

This is a cartoon I received in my email earlier this week that I found super appropriate.

<3, ZZ

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL...this is too cute! I watched a "Notes from the Underbelly" episode about this...the baby wouldn't stop crying so they just all slept in the same was called a "family bed"! i wouldn't be too worried...she's still very young, and soon enough, her sleeping in her own bed will be a regular occurrence. enjoy it while you can! :)