Thursday, September 3, 2009

More recent things...

Now, much hasn't been happening in our family this past month, but I still thought I woudl share a few pictures. This was taken nearly a month ago, Lorelei is reading a book to her daddy.

I must apologize becasue our digital camera has broken. The flash no longer works (no idea why) so all of our indoor pictures come out very dark and sometimes blurry. :(

These two shots are ones I took just two days ago. I can not believe how much my little girl has grown in a year and a half! Every morning she picks out what she wants to wear that day (here it is a valentines day tshirt) and tehn she tells me how many ponies to put in her hair (0, 1 or 2).

As you can guess, this was a 2 ponies day. She took my keys after we locked up the house. Then she headed to Grandmas for breakfast:

Do not interrupt her morning Elmo dvd or she will be a very upset little girl. Mommy only gets a slight wave as she walks out the door.

Don't tell Lori (it's a surprise!) but Mommay and Daddy bought tickets to take her to Sesame Street Live in November. We can not wait to see her face when she gets to see Elmo in person.

Lorelei is now saying about 10 words. (Mama, Dada, No, Papa, Don (yes, we taught her to say her little brother's name!), this, dog, cat, I can't remember some of them, and of course, Elmo.) I still can't get over that she onlys says about 10 words and one of them is Elmo. Hehehe. We also started working on Don after we found out we were having a boy. At first if we asked her to say her brother's name she would just blow a raspberry at you, but now she says "Don" and points to mommy's belly all by herself. :) She also knows what I would guess is at least 30 words in sign language (we try to learn one or two new ones each week). This week we have learned peaches and grapes (her two favorite foods - at least right this second!).

As I have been unproductive most of this afternoon, I am going to get back to work now. I will try and update again soon, but no promises!


1 comment:

Blair said...

Elizabeth! Thanks for your comment on my blog;) And, congrats on the new little one! How exciting!